Blanking by means of the finite element method

R.D. van de Moesdijk, H.H. Wisselink, A.H. van den Boogaard, J. Huetink, P.J. Bolt, W.H. Sillekens

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This paper summarizes the results of simulating the blanking process by means of the Finite Element Method. Unlike most of the research in this eld, the focus is not on the blanking process itself but on the deformed shape of a product after blanking. Two ways of determining the shape of a product after blanking are investigated. One way is to calculate the internal stresses caused by the blanking process and relax these stresses to calculate the new shape. The internal stresses can be transfered into an equivalent load model that can characterize the blanking process. With this equivalent load model the deformed shape of a product after blanking can be determined in a very fast and easy way. Experiments are done to verify the results. Both introduced methods give qualitatively good results. Also some suggestions for improvements are made.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages13
Publication statusPublished - 1998
Event11th Annual Conference of the IACM 1998 - College Park, United States
Duration: 30 Jun 19983 Jul 1998
Conference number: 11


Conference11th Annual Conference of the IACM 1998
Country/TerritoryUnited States
CityCollege Park
OtherJune-July 1998


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  • Blanking by means of the finite element method

    van de Moesdijk, R. D., Wisselink, H. H., van den Boogaard, A. H., Huetink, J., Bolt, P. J. & Sillekens, W. H., 29 Jun 1998, Computational Mechanics, New Trends and Applications: IV World Congress on Computational Mechanics, Buenos Aires, Argemtina. Barcelona: CIMNE, 13 p.

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionAcademicpeer-review

    Open Access

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