Brillouin photonics engine in the thin-film lithium niobate platform

Kaixuan Ye, Hanke Feng, Randy te Morsche, Akhileshwar Mishra, Yvan Klaver, Chuangchuang Wei, Zheng Zheng, Akshay Keloth, Ahmet Tarık Işık, Zhaoxi Chen, Cheng Wang, David Marpaung

Research output: Working paperPreprintAcademic

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Stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS) is revolutionizing low-noise lasers and microwave photonic systems. However, despite extensive explorations of a low-loss and versatile integrated platform for Brillouin photonic circuits, current options fall short due to limited technological scalability or inadequate SBS gain. Here we introduce the thin-film lithium niobate (TFLN) platform as the go-to choice for integrated Brillouin photonics applications. We report the angle-dependent strong SBS gain in this platform, which can overcome the intrinsic propagation loss. Furthermore, we demonstrate the first stimulated Brillouin laser in TFLN with a tuning range > 20 nm and utilize it to achieve high-purity RF signal generation with an intrinsic linewidth of 9 Hz. Finally, we devise a high-rejection Brillouin-based microwave photonic notch filter, for the first time, integrating an SBS spiral, an on-chip modulator, and a tunable ring all within the same platform. This TFLN-based Brillouin photonics engine uniquely combines the scalability of this platform and the versatility of SBS. Moreover, it bridges SBS with other functionalities in the TFLN platform, unlocking new possibilities for Brillouin-based applications with unparalleled performances.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 10 Nov 2024


  • physics.optics
  • eess.SP


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