Building Blocks for Embedded Control Systems

Johannes F. Broenink, G.H. Hilderink, André Bakkers

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionAcademicpeer-review

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    Developing embedded control systems using a building-block approach at all the parts enables an efficient and fast design process. Main reasons are the real plug-and-play capabilities of the blocks. Furthermore, due the simulatability of the designs, parts of the system can already be tested before the other parts are available. We have applied an object-oriented approach for modeling all three parts of embedded control systems: compositional programming for the embedded software parts; VHDL for the specific I/O computer hardware parts; and bond graphs for the appliance (i.e. the device to be controlled). Due to the simulatability, our building-block method is suitable for a concurrent engineering design approach, and thus supporting hardware-software co-design. Currently, our research focuses on the software description part. The appliance description part has been worked on, while we just use VHDL descriptions for the computer hardware. This is the reason why the emphasis in this text is on the building blocks for the embedded software part.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationProceedings of the first PROGRESS workshop
    EditorsJean Pierre Veen
    Place of PublicationUtrecht, The Netherlands
    Number of pages8
    ISBN (Print)90-73461-25-1
    Publication statusPublished - 13 Oct 2001
    Event1st PROGRESS Workshop on Embedded Systems 2000 - Utrecht, Netherlands
    Duration: 13 Oct 200013 Oct 2000
    Conference number: 1

    Publication series

    PublisherTechnology Foundation (STW)


    Workshop1st PROGRESS Workshop on Embedded Systems 2000
    Abbreviated titlePROGRESS


    • IR-96353
    • METIS-201506


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