Challenge-Based Learning and Constructive Alignment: A Challenge for Information Systems' Educators

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionAcademicpeer-review

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Challenge-Based Learning (CBL) is an emerging approach to the design of education activities known for its benefits in fostering student engagement and, consequently, positively affecting their learning outcomes. For the educator, the'challenge in the challenge' is to guarantee that the CBL-based education design follows certain regulations, like ensuring proper curriculum coverage with Constructive Alignment. This challenge becomes particularly difficult to address in the field of Information Systems, within Computer Science, where multiple practices can be followed to solve the same problem. This is even more challenging when CBL is applied at course-level, where the curriculum of the course focuses on a subset of those practices. This paper targets two central questions for the educators willing to apply CBL while complying with Constructive Alignment in their course design: (1) How to ensure that the results based on solutions designed to address student-defined challenges are successfully aligned to the course's intended learning outcomes? (2) How to use these results as evidence of learning and as an assessment component? We discuss our experience and lessons learned applying CBL for the redesign and execution of the Smart Industry Systems course of the University of Twente, while ensuring proper curriculum coverage and compliance with Constructive Alignment.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationSEFI 2023 - 51st Annual Conference of the European Society for Engineering Education
Subtitle of host publicationEngineering Education for Sustainability, Proceedings
EditorsGer Reilly, Mike Murphy, Balazs Vince Nagy, Hannu-Matti Jarvinen
PublisherSociete Europeenne pour la Formation des Ingenieurs (SEFI)
Number of pages10
ISBN (Electronic)9782873520267
Publication statusPublished - 2023
Event51st Annual Conference of the European Society for Engineering Education, SEFI 2023: Engineering education for sustainability: Reflecting on the role of engineering and technology education for a sustainable world - TU Dublin, Dublin, Ireland
Duration: 11 Sept 202314 Sept 2023
Conference number: 51


Conference51st Annual Conference of the European Society for Engineering Education, SEFI 2023
Abbreviated titleSEFI 2023
Internet address


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