Characterization of hybrid InP-TriPleX photonic integrated tunable lasers based on silicon nitride (Si3N4/SiO2) micro ring resonators for optical coherent system

Yi Lin, Colm Browning, Roelof Bernardus Timens, Douwe Geuzebroek, Chris G.H. Roeloffzen, Marcel Hoekman, Dimitri Geskus, Ruud M. Oldenbeuving, Rene G. Heideman, Youwen Fan, Klaus Boller, Liam P. Barry

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We demonstrate detailed characterization results of a hybrid InP-TriPleX photonic integrated tunable laser based on silicon nitride micro ring resonators. A tuning range of 50 nm across the C-band, side-mode suppression ratio (SMSR) > 50dB, high output power (~10 dBm), linewidth of <80 kHz across the whole tuning range, and 's switching speed are achieved. The delayed self-heterodyne (DSH) method is used for the linewidth measurement, the lowest linewidth can be achieve is ~35 kHz. The FM noise spectrum is also measured to show the 1/f noise and white noise characterization. Furthermore, the device demonstrates performance comparable with commercial external cavity lasers in 64-QAM coherent system.

Original languageEnglish
Article number1400108
Number of pages9
JournalIEEE photonics journal
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 7 Jun 2018


  • micro ring resonator
  • Silicon photonics
  • Tunable lasers
  • tunable lasers


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