Characterization of proteins by means of their buffer capacity, measured with an ISFET-based coulometric sensor-actuator system

W. Olthuis, J. Luo, P. Bergveld

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    Proteins form the specific selector in many biochemical sensors. A change in one of the properties of such a protein has to be detected by an appropriate transducer, which completes the biochemical sensor. One of these properties is the buffer capacity of a protein. If the binding of a substance to a protein can significantly change the proton binding, which accounts for the buffer capacity of proteins, the detection of this changed buffer capacity enables the construction of a new type of biosensor. It will be shown that the buffer capacity can be measured with an ISFET-based sensor—actuator device. The alternating generation of protons and hydroxyl ions by alternating current coulometry at a porous noble metal actuator electrode causes an associated small pH perturbation, which is detected by the underlying pH-sensitive ISFET. The amplitude of the measured signal is a function of the buffer capacity of the solute, in which proteins can be present (or these proteins can be adsorbed in the porous actuator electrode of the device). A model describing the transfer function from the electrical input signal of the actuator to the resulting chemical output, which is subsequently detected by the ISFET pH sensor, is presented. Preliminary results of the measured buffer capacity of ribonuclease and lysozyme are presented.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)743-751
    JournalBiosensors & bioelectronics
    Issue number9-10
    Publication statusPublished - 1994


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