Chili pepper, and keeping cancer under control (poster)

Bart Antonius Fischer*, Ata Chizari, Tom Knop, Wiendelt Steenbergen

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to conferencePosterAcademic

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Even when cancer therapies remove all tumors, circulating tumor cells (CTCs) in the bloodstream remain a ticking time bomb. Removing CTCs may reduce the chance of future metastasis and improve patients' prospects for prolonged survival. We envision technology for the noninvasive destruction of CTCs, and the first steps are made in this Open Mind project. The treatment strategy is to bring all CTCs to the skin surface where they are destroyed. The project addresses two questions that are decisive for the feasibility of the technology: 1) Can skin be perfused with sufficient amounts of blood? The idea is to create huge perfusion levels in large skin areas using chili pepper-based capsaicin cream, available in any drugstore. Perfusion will be measured with our high-speed Twente Optical Perfusion camera and quantified using computational optical skin models. 2) Can CTCs be observed through the skin using fluorescence labeling? This will be studied by combining in vitro studies on labeled cells with computational models. The project results will support a go-no-go decision for further technology development.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2017
EventTechnowlogy 2017 - Amersfoort, Netherlands
Duration: 1 Jan 20171 Jan 2017


SeminarTechnowlogy 2017
OtherTEKNOWLOGY is NWO's annual innovation festival


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