Coating of sol particles for membrane applications

J.-M. Hofman-Züter, K. Keizer, H. Verweij, A.J. Burggraaf

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For improving chemical and thermal stability of γ -Al2O3 membranes boehmite (AlOOH) sol-particles are coated with Zr4+-species with two techniques. These techniques are heterogeneous precipitation (HP-method) and “surface-reaction-followed-by-polycondensation” (SRPC-method). A continuous coating layer is formed at relative low Zr4+-concentration, about one monolayer coverage of boehmite particles, and with the HP-method. For larger concentrations and for the SRPC-method small particles (order 1 nm) of Zr4+-species are formed on the surface of the boehmite particles. After drying and calcination up to 1000°C no continuous layer of a zirconia phase could be detected for all samples. However the thermal stability of the porous structure is improved. Phase transitions of alumina occur at temperatures of 1100°C and the porous structure of the membrane material is then destabilized.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)523-527
Number of pages5
JournalJournal of sol-gel science and technology
Issue number1-3
Publication statusPublished - 1997


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