Columnar mesophase behaviour of poly(di-n-butylsiloxane) and related copolymers containing polar substituents

Gerardus J.J. Out, Frank Schlössels, Alexei A. Turetskii, Martin Möller, Martin Möller*

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The columnar mesophase formation of poly(dibutylsiloxane) (PDBS) was studied with respect to the influence of molecular weight. Additionally, the synthesis of random copolymers containing dibutylsiloxane and butyl(3-cyanopropyl)siloxane units was performed in order to examine the influence of side group polarity on the columnar mesophase behaviour without disturbing the overall molecular geometry. Introduction of 6% 3-cyanopropyl groups appeared to hinder crystallization while copolymers containing 17% 3-cyanopropyl groups did not show crystallization at all. All copolymers formed a columnar mesophase which seemed to gain stability from the presence of the polar substituents.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2035-2046
JournalMacromolecular chemistry and physics
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - 1995


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