Comment on 'Nitric oxide adsorption on the Si(100)(2x1) surface - a vibrational study by Y. Taguchi, M. Fujisawa, Y. Kuwahara, M. Onchi and M. Nishijima'

Herbert Wormeester, Arend van Silfhout, Enrico G. Keim, A.G.B.M. Sasse

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8 Citations (Scopus)
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Both molecular and dissociative adsorption behaviour of NO on the Si(001)(2 × 1) surface at room temperature have been reported. This contradicting difference in adsorption behaviour was obtained from the application of different experimental methods. The attention must be focused on the various sample preparation techniques used and on the influence of primary excitation sources of the different experimental techniques applied on this adsorbed system.
Original languageUndefined
Pages (from-to)L249-L250
Number of pages0
JournalSurface science letters
Issue number233
Publication statusPublished - 1990


  • METIS-128486
  • IR-23687

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