Comparative evaluation of bidirectional buck-type PFC converter systems for interfacing residential DC distribution systems to the smart grid

M. F. Vancu, T. Soeiro, J. Mühlethaler, J. W. Kolar, D. Aggeler

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionAcademicpeer-review

33 Citations (Scopus)


This paper discusses three-phase bidirectional high-power factor mains interfaces for application in smart-houses featuring a local DC distribution grid. The DC grid demanded power can be supplied by local DC generators, such as renewable power sources, and/or by the public three-phase AC mains, which gives the option of feeding back power into the mains in case of a low local power consumption. In order to generate a local 400V DC bus, bidirectionally connected to the European three-phase low voltage AC mains rated at 400V line-to-line, buck-type converter topologies are required. Several possible converter concepts are initially presented and further comparatively evaluated based on the following performance indices: total required semiconductor chip area, overall efficiency, overall passive components volume, and required EMI filter damping. As result of the comprehensive evaluation, the Bidirectional 3rd Harmonic Injection Active Filter Type Rectifier with DC/DC Output Stage is identified as most advantageous topology for the realization of a bidirectional buck-type PFC rectifier in the considered power range of 5 to 10 kW.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationIECON 2012 - 38th Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics Society
Number of pages8
ISBN (Print)978-1-4673-2420-5
Publication statusPublished - 28 Oct 2012
Externally publishedYes
Event38th Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IECON 2012 - Montreal, Canada
Duration: 25 Oct 201228 Oct 2012
Conference number: 38


Conference38th Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IECON 2012
Abbreviated titleIECON 2012


  • Switches
  • Tin
  • Europe
  • Insulated gate bipolar transistors
  • n/a OA procedure


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