Comparison of tungsten films grown by CVD and hot-wire assisted atomic layer deposition in a cold-wall reactor

Mengdi Yang, Antonius A.I. Aarnink, Alexeij Y. Kovalgin, Dirk J Gravesteijn, Robertus A.M. Wolters, Jurriaan Schmitz

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    In this work, the authors developed hot-wire assisted atomic layer deposition (HWALD) to deposit tungsten (W) with a tungsten filament heated up to 1700–2000 C. Atomic hydrogen (at-H) was generated by dissociation of molecular hydrogen (H2), which reacted with WF6 at the substrate to deposit W. The growth behavior was monitored in real time by an in situ spectroscopic ellipsometer. In this work, the authors compare samples with tungsten grown by either HWALD or chemical vapor deposition (CVD) in terms of growth kinetics and properties. For CVD, the samples were made in a mixture of WF6 and molecular or atomic hydrogen. Resistivity of the WF6-H2 CVD layers was 20 lXcm, whereas for the WF6-at-H-CVD layers, it was 28 lXcm. Interestingly, the resistivity was as high as 100 lXcm for the HWALD films, although the tungsten films were 99% pure according to x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. X-ray diffraction reveals that the HWALD W was crystallized as b-W, whereas both CVD films were in the a-W phase.
    Original languageEnglish
    Article number01A129
    Number of pages10
    JournalJournal of vacuum science & technology A: vacuum, surfaces, and films
    Issue number1
    Publication statusPublished - Jan 2016


    • Chemical vapor deposition (CVD)
    • Atomic layer deposition (ALD)
    • Etching
    • Tungsten
    • Electrical resistivity


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