Compendium: On existing and missing links between energy poverty and other scholarly debates

Ana Stojilovska (Editor), Lidija Zivcic (Editor), Ricardo Barbosa (Editor), Katrin Grossmann (Editor), Rachel Guyet (Editor), Raúl Castaño-Rosa, Fernando Martín-Consuegra, Mariëlle Feenstra, Lina Murauskaite, Anna Mengolini, Anaïs Varo, Marlies Hesselman, Ana Horta, Eleonora Gaydarova, Naama Teschner

Research output: Other contributionAcademic

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Energy poverty alleviation requires a rethinking of our economic and social system (Bouzarovski 2018a). Energy poverty has traditionally been studied around the income-housing-energy price triangle (Thomson 2013), but new research avenues need to be opened to deepen our knowledge of energy poverty. To understand the multi-layered nature of energy poverty and how it is embedded in the existing system, we elaborated this compendium. With this we explore how energy poverty is linked with a wide array of aspects, from taxation, over gender to urban planning, opening paths for further research and deepening of knowledge. The compendium aims to explore existing and missing links in scholarly debate to illustrate the complexity of energy poverty and how it is understood across the European Union. This compendium is an informative collection of literature about the links between energy poverty and various areas.
Thereby, it establishes which areas and links need to be investigated deeper to understand the systemic nature of energy deprivation in our societies.
Original languageEnglish
TypePolicy Brief
Number of pages29
Publication statusPublished - 2020


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