"Compression-only" behavior of phospholipid-coated contrast bubbles

N. de Jong, M. Emmer, Chien Ting Chin, Ayache Bouakaz, Frits Mastik, Detlef Lohse, Michel Versluis

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Ultrasound contrast agents oscillate approximately linearly up to a certain pressure range where nonlinearity sets in. Nonlinear microbubble oscillations are exploited in ultrasound pulse-echo imaging as this improves the contrast-to-tissue ratio. Here we report the observation of a highly nonlinear response of phospholipid-coated contrast agents at pressures as low as 50 kPa, termed “compression-only” behavior, where the microbubbles only compress, yet hardly expand. Time-resolved bubble dynamics recorded through ultra high-speed imaging revealed that nearly 40% of the coated bubbles show “compression-only” behavior
Original languageUndefined
Pages (from-to)653-656
Number of pages4
JournalUltrasound in medicine and biology
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 2007


  • IR-74893
  • METIS-239089

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