Configuration for mass-customisation and e-business

Ying-Lie O

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionAcademicpeer-review

    12 Citations (Scopus)
    17 Downloads (Pure)


    Mass-customisation and e-business impose new requirements on trading. In mass-customisation, products are variations of configurations in a product family.Model-based configuration can be seen as a combination of product modelling and solving the configuration problem.
    The product model can be presented using modelling constructs. Different constructs allow different kinds of selection. Instead of requiring the customer to choose from technical specifications, understandable characteristics are used.
    The problem solving part is finding the configuration by a combination of selection and approximate matching. An incremental approach allows customer interaction. At each step, the customer may select components and characteristics. In the resulting matching, the list of components and non-matching characteristics are indicated.
    The proposed approach is attempted to be simple, such that customers can understand the proposed solutions of the specified characteristics.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationConfiguration Workshop in conjunction with the 15th European Conference on Artificial. Intelligence (ECAI)
    EditorsM. Aldanondo, G. Friedrich, E. Freuder, M. Stumptner, T. Soininen
    Place of PublicationLyon, France
    Number of pages6
    Publication statusPublished - 2002
    EventECAI 2002 Configuration Workshop - University Claude Bernard of Lyon, Lyon, France
    Duration: 22 Jul 200223 Jul 2002


    WorkshopECAI 2002 Configuration Workshop


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