Constrained clustering for the capacitated vehicle routing problem

Francesco Alesiani, Gulcin Ermis, Konstantinos Gkiotsalitis

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Logistic operations have an enormous impact on commercial transport. eCommerce, postal and logistics’ planners require to solve large-scale capacitated vehicle routing problems (CVRPs) on a daily basis. CVRP problems are NP-Hard and cannot be easily solved for large problem instances. Given their complexity, we propose a methodology to reduce the size of CVRP problems that can be later solved with state-of-the-art optimization solvers. Our method is an efficient version of clustering that considers the constraints of the original problem to transform it into a more tractable version. We call this approach Constrained Clustering Capacitated Vehicle Routing Solver (CC-CVRS) because it produces a soft-clustered vehicle routing problem with reduced decision variables. We demonstrate how this method reduces the computational complexity associated with the solution of the original CVRP and how the computed solution can be transformed back into the original space. Extensive numerical experiments show that our method allows to solve very large CVRP instances within seconds with optimality gaps of less than 16%.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages20
Publication statusPublished - 9 Jan 2022
Event101st Transportation Research Board (TRB) Annual Meeting 2022 - Washington DC, Washington, United States
Duration: 9 Jan 202213 Jan 2022
Conference number: 101


Conference101st Transportation Research Board (TRB) Annual Meeting 2022
Abbreviated titleTRB 2022
Country/TerritoryUnited States
Internet address


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