Consumption of products from heritage and host cultures: The role of acculturation attitudes and behaviors

Hatice Kizgin, Ahmad Jamal, Marie Odile Richard

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Prior research ignores the specific role of acculturation attitudes in predicting acculturation behaviors and consumption choices across public and private life domains. The study uses self-administered questionnaires to collect data from 530 Turkish-Dutch respondents. The findings underscore the overall significance of investigating domain-specific (public vs. private) acculturation attitudes and subsequent acculturation behaviors. Enculturation (acculturation) behaviors function as a mediating variable in the relationship between acculturation attitudes and consumption of food and entertainment products from the heritage (host) culture. The study is one of the first to investigate the simultaneous effects of acculturation attitudes and acculturation behaviors on the choice to consumer foods and entertainment products from both heritage and host cultures. The article provides managerial implications and future research directions.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)320-329
JournalJournal of business research
Early online date20 Sept 2017
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2018
Externally publishedYes


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