Context-Aware Support for Communities of Practice

Luiz Olavo Bonino da Silva Santos, Renata S.S. Guizzardi, Marten J. van Sinderen, Luis Ferreira Pires, Gerd Wagner, José Gonçalves Pereira Filho, Dimitri Konstantas

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This poster concerns the need for software engineering support in providing Context-Aware solutions for Communities of Practice (CoP). We illustrate the use of an agent-oriented modeling language (AORML) for analyzing the contextual information and interactions between participating actors in a context-aware services platform. AORML is a UML-based language specifically tailored for agent-oriented systems analysis and design, and it has already been illustrated in previous work related to Distributed Knowledge Management. The chosen supporting platform is the WASP Platform (Web Architectures for Services Platforms), a Web services-based context-aware platform that runs on top of 3G networks.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages2
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2004
Event3rd International Semantic Web Conference 2004 - Hiroshima Prince Hotel, Hiroshima, Japan
Duration: 7 Nov 200411 Nov 2004
Conference number: 3


Conference3rd International Semantic Web Conference 2004
Abbreviated titleISWC 2004
Internet address


  • SCS-Services


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