Co‐registration of panoramic mobile mapping images and oblique aerial images

P.L.H. Jende*, F.C. Nex, G. Vosselman, Markus Gerke

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Mobile mapping relies on satellite‐based positioning, which suffers from line‐of‐sight and multipath issues. As an alternative, this paper presents a fully automatic approach for the co‐registration of mobile mapping and oblique aerial images to introduce highly accurate and reliable ground control for mobile mapping data adjustment. An oblique view of a scene introduces similarities as well as challenges regarding co‐registration with mobile mapping images, which is supported by mutual planes in both datasets. Façade planes from a sparse point cloud are used as projection surfaces for the mobile mapping and aerial datasets, overcoming large perspective differences between them to simplify the registration. The performance of the procedure indicates an inlier rate of around 80%.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)148-173
Number of pages26
JournalPhotogrammetric record
Issue number166
Early online date29 Apr 2019
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2019


  • UT-Hybrid-D
  • oblique aerial imagery
  • image registration
  • mobile mapping


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