Customer motives and benefits for participating in online co-creation activities

Efthymios Constantinides, Leonine A. Brünink, Carlota Lorenzo-Romero

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The widespread adoption of Web 2.0 applications, commonly known as social media, has brought about a new generation of empowered customers who are often willing to co-create by sharing their experiences, product knowledge and innovative ideas with producers. They provide inputs in the form of ideas, suggestions or testing in new product development trajectories. Co-creation with customers obliges businesses to step away from the traditional firm-centric view of innovation and presents marketers with interesting challenges: How to identify, motivate and recruit the most innovative customers in co-creation processes. A pilot questionnaire based on the uses and gratification approach identifies the motivators for customers to participate in online co-creation. The results indicate that customer participation in co-creation projects is motivated by four distinct types of benefits and also that co-creating customers differ in their motivational level. The paper also discusses ideas for follow-up studies and presents suggestions for further research
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)21-48
JournalInternational journal of internet marketing and advertising
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2015


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