Customers’ co-creation experience in online communities: Antecedents and Outcomes

Zeynep Didem Nohutlu*, Basil G. Englis, Arend J. Groen, Efthymios Constantinides

*Corresponding author for this work

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Understanding the phenomenon of customer co-creation in online communities is important for businesses involved in innovation trajectories, and product and service improvement efforts. The purpose of this article is to obtain an in-depth insight into the nature and impact of customers´ co-creation experiences in online communities and the effects of customer cocreation on innovation processes. This study is focused on an online co-creation community created by a market research company on behalf of a company. By means of a case study approach and through in-depth interviews, we identify the actual customer experiences and assess the degree of involvement of customer creativity and experience in new idea generation.
The results show a classification of each role the community moderator/community manager and peer online community members perform as antecedents of co-creation experience, highlight the value of group feeling/sense of community/sense of belonging, and homophily/communality in achieving that, the nature of a supportive online platform, and give an overview of positive and negative outcomes of co-creation experience.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages8
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2021
Event20th International Marketing Trends Conference 2021 - Venice, Italy
Duration: 14 Jan 202116 Jan 2021
Conference number: 20


Conference20th International Marketing Trends Conference 2021


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