D5.5: Ecosystems Service Governance Navigator & Manual for its Use

Research output: Book/ReportReportAcademic


We aim for the Navigator to be a practical tool that should help finding orientation and direction for (forest) ecosystem innovation processes. To that end we provide suggestions for practical application throughout most of the sections. Deliverable 5.5 presents a Navigator to be used as a guidance to improve understanding on Forest Ecosystem Services governance innovations. The Navigator comprises the InnoForESt approach, as it has emerged in the course of this innovation action project. The Navigator entails a compendium of “heuristics” understood as a set of practical tools (rooted in theory) integrating the project knowledge generation and communication approach to forest ecosystem services (project glossary, analytical framework, fact sheets, typologies, workshops, etc.). It aims at giving orientation, not setting hard rules. The Navigator dedicated to the interested public outside this project for a first impression of the InnoForESt approach. A governance innovation Navigator, as we understand it in InnoForESt, is strongly rooted in the socio-political context of the innovations that are studied and cannot instantly be separated from this context. To understand the variation across the innovation contexts, we have mapped the biophysical and institutional features of forest ecosystem service provision as well as studied the governance and stakeholder contexts of the innovations. All methods applied are tailored to the innovations to be analysed and further developed. In turn, this also means that a presentation of methods is not complete without outline of the innovations themselves. Hence, this Navigator also refers to empirical findings from the regional socio-political innovation contexts including the respective project’s practice and scientific partners, entities we term Innovation Regions. There are InnoForESt Innovation Regions, in which payment schemes for ecosystem services or variants thereof are introduced or developed further, for example, in Finland and Germany. Others rethink the way they convey knowledge about forest ecosystem services, as it happens in Sweden and Austria. In Italy, the provincial forest management agency undertakes efforts to innovate its management practices of their special land-use type, the mid-elevation forest-pasture landscape. Finally, in the Czech and Slovak Innovation Regions, new practices of collective forest management are explored. After the introduction, in section 2, we present an overview of the theoretical background of the project (cf. InnoForESt Deliverable 3.1, Sorge & Mann 2019) as well as the analytical approaches used to come to the empirical orientations based on Stakeholder Analysis (cf. InnoForESt Deliverable 5.2, Schleyer et al. 2019), Governance Situation Assessment, and a reconstruction of the regional Innovation Journeys (cf. InnoForESt Deliverable 4.3, Loft et al. 2019). Section 3 provides a deeper look at the methods used in InnoForESt, including a technology-assessment-based, multi-stakeholder-driven Constructive Innovation Assessment (cf. InnoForESt Deliverable 4.2, Aukes et al. 2020a), experimental Role Board Games and the systematic development of prototypes (cf. InnoForESt Deliverable 3.2, Kluvánková et al. 2019). In section 4, the Navigator ends with an outlook on plans how to convey the knowledge and methods acquired in the project in training circumstances, practice interactions, as well as the digital innovation platform which InnoForESt is developing. This deliverable, elaborated under WP5 leadership, has been co-authored with colleagues from the entire project and is thus a true joint deliverable. It draws information from the other InnoForESt work packages by integrating their analytical approaches, tools, and methods employed. It reflects on possibilities and limitations, options and alternatives of the elements currently in use. It also builds on the experience of the six Innovation Regions identifying basic patterns of forest ecosystem services governance innovation in practice “that work”. In the text, we refer to other results of the project that illustrate exciting aspects and from which further knowledge can be obtained: on the basis of which you can see how we did it in the project.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationEberswalde
Commissioning bodyEuropean Commission
Number of pages97
Publication statusPublished - 31 Dec 2020


  • Forest Ecosystem Governance Innovation
  • Biophysical mapping
  • Governance Situation Assessment
  • Stakeholder Analysis
  • Constructive Innovation Assessment
  • Role Board Games


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