DC and transient current distribution analysis from self-field measurements on ITER PFIS conductor

A. Formisano, Y. Ilyin, L. Muzzi, R. Martone, P. Gislon, Arend Nijhuis, M. Polak, C. Sborchia, B. Stepanov

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Current reconstruction in cable-in-conduit conductors (CICC) cables is a crucial issue to determine cables performance in working conditions, and must be performed using inverse problem approaches as direct measurement is not feasible. The current distribution has been studied for the ITER Poloidal Field Insert Sample (PFIS) conductor using annular arrays of Hall probes placed in three different locations along the sample during the test campaign at the SULTAN facility. The measurement apparatus is also described in the paper, together with the approach to current reconstruction.
Original languageUndefined
Pages (from-to)11-15
Number of pages5
JournalFusion engineering and design
Publication statusPublished - 2005


  • IR-77763
  • ITER PFIS conductor
  • Current distribution analysis
  • METIS-225242
  • CICC cables

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