Decision-making and support for method adaptation

Mehmet Nafiz Aydin

    Research output: ThesisPhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT

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    This research is concerned with situated method development which is about how to achieve a method that fits a project situation. It has been acknowledged as a promising research endeavor to overcome a long-standing problem with information systems development (ISD) methods. That is, as methods are not used as prescribed in practice, they fall short in supporting practitioners in the development of information systems for, for instance, a globally networked organisation using new development approaches such as agile systems development.
    Original languageEnglish
    Awarding Institution
    • University of Twente
    • Stegwee, R.A., Supervisor
    • van Slooten, C., Co-Supervisor
    • Harmsen, A.F., Co-Supervisor
    Award date17 May 2006
    Place of PublicationEnschede
    Print ISBNs90-365-2375-3
    Publication statusPublished - 2006


    • IR-55926


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