Deconfinement of Majorana Vortex Modes Produces a Superconducting Landau Level

M.J. Pacholski, G. Lemut, O. Ovdat, I. Adagideli, C.W.J. Beenakker

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A spatially oscillating pair potential Δ(r)=Δ0e2iK·r with momentum K>Δ0/ v drives a deconfinement transition of the Majorana bound states in the vortex cores of a Fu-Kane heterostructure (a 3D topological insulator with Fermi velocity v, on a superconducting substrate with gap Δ0, in a perpendicular magnetic field). In the deconfined phase at zero chemical potential the Majorana fermions form a dispersionless Landau level, protected by chiral symmetry against broadening due to vortex scattering. The coherent superposition of electrons and holes in the Majorana Landau level is detectable as a local density of states oscillation with wave vector K2-(Δ0/ v)2. The striped pattern also provides a means to measure the chirality of the Majorana fermions.

Original languageEnglish
Article number226801
JournalPhysical review letters
Issue number22
Publication statusPublished - 2 Jun 2021


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