Dendrimer-mediated transfer printing of DNA and RNA mircoarrays

Dorota I. Rozkiewicz, Wim Brugman, Ron M. Kerkhoven, Bart Jan Ravoo*, David N. Reinhoudt*

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    This paper describes a new method to replicate DNA and RNA microarrays. The technique, which facilitates positioning of DNA and RNA with submicron edge resolution by microcontact printing (μCP), is based on the modification of poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) stamps with dendrimers (“dendri-stamps”). The modification of PDMS stamps with generation 5 poly(propylene imine) dendrimers (G5-PPI) gives a high density of positive charge on the stamp surface that can attract negatively charged oligonucleotides in a “layer-by-layer” arrangement. DNA as well as RNA is transfer printed from the stamp to a target surface. Imine chemistry is applied to immobilize amino-modified DNA and RNA molecules to an aldehyde-terminated substrate. The labile imine bond is reduced to a stable secondary amine bond, forming a robust connection between the polynucleotide strand and the solid support. Microcontact printed oligonucleotides are distributed homogeneously within the patterned area and available for hybridization. By using a robotic spotting system, an array of hundreds of oligonucleotide spots is deposited on the surface of a flat, dendrimer-modified stamp that is subsequently used for repeated replication of the entire microarray by microcontact printing. The printed microarrays are characterized by homogeneous probe density and regular spot morphology
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)11593-11599
    Number of pages7
    JournalJournal of the American Chemical Society
    Issue number37
    Publication statusPublished - 2007


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