Deposition of High-Quality SiO2 Insulating Films at Low Temperatures by means of Remote PECVD

A. Boogaard, R. Roesthuis, I. Brunets, Antonius A.I. Aarnink, Alexeij Y. Kovalgin, J. Holleman, Robertus A.M. Wolters, Jurriaan Schmitz

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionAcademicpeer-review

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    Silicon dioxide films were deposited by means of remote inductively coupled plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (ICPECVD) in Ar-N2O-SiH4 plasma at 150 °C and pressures between 1 and 6 Pa. The gas phase contained 0.08% of SiH4 and 18% of N2O. We observed that, at a total pressure of 1 Pa, the oxide films were formed with a density equal to that of thermally grown oxide. The films had a low oxide charge. Deposition at higher pressures resulted in the formation of oxides having a lower density than the film deposited at 1 Pa, and a higher oxide charge. We measured a strong dependence of the oxide charge on the film thickness. The films deposited at 1 Pa further exhibited leakage currents at an electric field strength of 6.5 MV/cm which were comparable to the leakage currents known for thermally grown (1000°C) oxides. The film deposited at 2 Pa also exhibited a low leakage current, but the current increase was observed at lower electric fields compared to the 1 Pa film. The films deposited at 6 Pa exhibited significantly higher leakage currents.
    Original languageUndefined
    Title of host publicationProceedings of the 11th annual workshop on semiconductor advances for future electronics and sensors (SAFE 2008)
    Place of PublicationUtrecht, The Netherlands
    Number of pages4
    ISBN (Print)978-90-73461-56-7
    Publication statusPublished - 27 Nov 2008
    Event11th Annual Workshop on Semiconductor Advances for Future Electronics and Sensors, SAFE 2008 - Veldhoven, Netherlands
    Duration: 27 Nov 200828 Nov 2008
    Conference number: 11

    Publication series

    PublisherTechnology Foundation STW


    Workshop11th Annual Workshop on Semiconductor Advances for Future Electronics and Sensors, SAFE 2008
    Abbreviated titleSAFE


    • SC-ICF: Integrated Circuit Fabrication
    • METIS-254993
    • IR-62606
    • EWI-14600

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