Deterministic-statistical model coupling in a DSS for river-basin management

Jean-Luc de Kok, Martijn J. Booij

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This paper presents a method for appropriate coupling of deterministic and statistical models. In the decision-support system for the Elbe river, a conceptual rainfall-runoff model is used to obtain the discharge statistics and corresponding average number of flood days, which is a key input variable for a rule-based model for floodplain vegetation. The required quality of the discharge time series cannot be determined by a sensitivity analysis because a deterministic model is linked to a statistical model. To solve the problem, artificial discharge time series are generated that mimic the hypothetical output of rainfall-runoff models of different accuracy. The results indicate that a feasible calibration of the rainfall-runoff model is sufficient to obtain consistency with the vegetation model in view of its sensitivity to changes in the number of flood days in the floodplains.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)595-606
Number of pages12
JournalEnvironmental modeling and assessment
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 2009


  • Decision-support system - River-basin management - Appropriate modelling - Model accuracy - Elbe - Floodplain vegetation model - Rainfall-runoff model
  • METIS-236459
  • IR-59987


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