Development and application of a sensitive, high precision weighing lysimeter for use in greenhouses

J. Meijer, G.P.A. Bot, C. Stanghellini, A.J. Udink ten Cate

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A high precision weighing lysimeter for measuring evapotranspiration in greenhouses was developed. The instrument has a measurement of sensitivity of one part in 106, that is one order of magnitude better than any other so far described in the literature. With it, evaporation rates in a greenhouse, even at night, can be measured on a one minute time scale. Development and construction of the instrument are described and measurements of the transpiration of a tomato crop in a greenhouse are used to demonstrate its capabilities.
Original languageUndefined
Pages (from-to)321-336
JournalJournal of Agricultural Engineering Research
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 1985


  • IR-69493

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