Development and trends in East-Central Europe and Algeria

Maarten J. Arentsen, Rolf W. Künneke

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterAcademic


This chapter finalizes the overview of market developments by looking at some relevant countries in East–Central Europe and Algeria. It gives a more comprehensive understanding of relevant trends and developments that influence the restructuring of the EU gas markets. East–Central Europe is an interesting region as it provides transport corridors for Russian gas to the West European market. Algeria belongs to the important gas supplying countries of the EU. The regions addressed in this chapter are of quite different significance for the evolution of a European gas market. Gas markets in East–central Europe can be divided into two groups of countries comprising Northeast and Southeast–Central Europe. The reform of the national gas industries is in progress according to the requirements of the EU Directives. These countries attract foreign investment and their national gas markets are developing. Southeast–Central Europe is also an important corridor for Russian gas to Turkey and Greece and has some strategic importance for the long-term development of connections to gas supplies from the Caspian Sea and the Middle East. The stages of regulatory reform are quite different throughout these two regions. Overall political and institutional structures need to be strengthened. The gas market reform can only be successful as a part of this transition process.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationNational Reforms in European Gas
EditorsMaarten J. Arentsen, Rolf W. Künneke
Place of PublicationLonden
ISBN (Print)0-08-043687-0
Publication statusPublished - 2003

Publication series

NameElsevier Global Energy Policy and Economics Series


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