Device and method for electrochemically generating one or more gases

Sebastiaan Boehm (Inventor), Albert van den Berg (Inventor), Heiko Jan van der Linden (Inventor)

    Research output: Patent

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    The present invention relates to a device for electrochemically generating one or more gases under high pressure, comprising: a container (1, 6) comprising one or more chambers (7, 8) for filling with electrolyte; a first (2, 10) and a second (2, 11) electrode over which a voltage difference can be applied in order to bring about an electrochemical generation in the container (1, 6); wherein the content of a chamber (7, 8) is in the order of magnitude of a few millilitres or less.

    Original languageEnglish
    Patent numberWO2001085328A1
    IPCC40B 40/ 18 A N
    Priority date12/05/00
    Publication statusPublished - 15 Nov 2001


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