Diffusivity measurements in some organic solvents by a gas-liquid diaphragm cell

R.J. Littel, R.J. Littel, Geert Versteeg, Willibrordus Petrus Maria van Swaaij

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A diaphragm cell has been developed for the measurement of diffusion coefficients of gases In liquids. The diaphragm cell is operated batchwise with respect to both gas and liquid phases, and the diffusion process Is followed by means of the gas pressure decrease which is recorded by means of a pressure transducer. The diaphragm cell has been calibrated with some well-known gas-liquid systems. The present diaphragm cell was shown to be very suitable for the determination of diffusion coefficients at higher temperatures. The diffusion coefficient of C02 and propene In toluene has been measured at temperatures ranging from 298 to 328 K. The dmusivity for various other gas-liquid systems has been determined at 298 K.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)42-45
Number of pages4
JournalJournal of chemical & engineering data
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 1992


  • METIS-106054
  • IR-82880


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