Digital technology in health: assessing the use of geographic information systems technology in health sector organizations in Uganda

Beatrice Winnie Nyemera

    Research output: ThesisPhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT

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    This dissertation aims to contribute to the adoption and use of geographical information systems (GIS) in the health care sector of Uganda, so that the services of organizations in this sector can be improved. The research in this dissertation evaluates the use of geospatial data, maps factors encouraging and hindering the sharing of geospatial data, explores factors contributing to non-use of GIS, and investigates the impacts associated with using GIS technologies in health sector organizations. In the research, organizations participated that either use or do not use GIS. GIS technologies aim to guide planning and support decision-making by providing and allocating limited resources to the rightful beneficiaries to optimize health care. In addition, GIS technologies aim to help in developing avenues of a digital system of health records and data storage, and providing strength in collaboration and sharing of geospatial data and services to avoid duplication of services and identify gaps in the service delivery in the health arena.
    Many health sector organizations have not been able to successfully adopt, implement and use GIS technologies. Success can be defined as a situation in which the adoption, implementation, and use of GIS technologies have led to a fully established and actively working GIS environment (department, skilled staff, GIS equipment such as big printers for printing maps of A0, A1 size of papers, GIS software, servers, wide screen computers with big capacity to accommodate geospatial layers, space, digital geospatial data). This means that these organizations have to depend on other organizations with an established actively GIS working environment such the Uganda Bureau Statistics, Mapping, Lands and Survey department, Entebbe, and the National Forestry Authority, or outsource to skilled expert individuals or organizations.
    To acknowledge the complexities involved in processes of adoption, implementing and using GIS technologies, the following nine types of organizations were included in the research: not-for-profit government organizations, non-government organizations, UN international agencies, government/public organizations, education research institutes, project- based organizations, private organizations, semi-autonomous organizations, and funding mechanism. The organizations were located in Kampala and Wakiso, and a few had up-country offices such as in Gulu and Rakai.
    Original languageEnglish
    QualificationDoctor of Philosophy
    Awarding Institution
    • University of Twente
    • de Jong, Menno D.T., Supervisor
    • Beldad, Ardion D., Co-Supervisor
    Award date27 Jun 2018
    Place of PublicationEnschede
    Print ISBNs978-90-365-4576-1
    Publication statusPublished - 27 Jun 2018


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