Distribution-agnostic landslide hazard modelling via Graph Transformers

Gabriele Belvederesi, Hakan Tanyas, Aldo Lipani, Ashok Dahal, Luigi Lombardo*

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In statistical applications, choosing a suitable data distribution or likelihood that matches the nature of the response variable is required. To spatially predict the planimetric area of a landslide population, the most tested likelihood corresponds to the Log-Gaussian case. This causes a limitation that hinders the ability to accurately model both very small and very large landslides, with the latter potentially leading to a dangerous underestimation of the hazard. Here, we test a distribution-agnostic solution via a Graph Transformer Neural Network (GTNN) and implement a loss function capable of forcing the model to capture both the bulk and the right tail of the landslide area distribution. An additional problem with this type of data-driven hazard assessment is that one often excludes slopes with landslide areas equal to zero from the regression procedure, as this may bias the prediction towards small values. Due to the nature of GTNNs, we present a solution where all the landslide area information is passed to the model, as one would expect for architectures built for image analysis. The results are promising, with the landslide area distribution generated by the Wenchuan earthquake being suitably estimated, including both zeros, the bulk and the extremely large cases. We consider this a step forward in the landslide hazard modelling literature, with implications for what the scientific community could achieve in light of a future space–time and/or risk assessment extension of the current protocol.

Original languageEnglish
Article number106231
JournalEnvironmental Modelling and Software
Early online date11 Oct 2024
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print/First online - 11 Oct 2024


  • Graph neural network
  • Landslide size extremes
  • SERA loss function
  • Transformer neural network
  • UT-Hybrid-D


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