title = "Droplet trapping and control on a single EWOD surface",
keywords = "fluids, Soils mechanics see also 331Produktie- en procestechniekenOverige chemische produkten, plasmasFood technology (see also 3206 and 3302)Produktie van levensmiddelen en drankenOverige verwerkte produktenMechanicsPhysical chemistryChemical technology (see also 2303, 2306 and 3328)Construction technology (including Civil and Hydraulic engineering, Physics of gases, 2304, IR-83220, METIS-289835",
author = "{'t Mannetje}, Dieter and R. Lagraauw and S. Otten and Arjen Pit and {van den Ende}, {Henricus T.M.} and Mugele, {Friedrich Gunther}",
year = "2012",
language = "Undefined",
pages = "--",