Dropout Regularization Versus l2-Penalization in the Linear Model

Gabriel Clara*, Sophie Langer, Johannes Schmidt-Hieber

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We investigate the statistical behavior of gradient descent iterates with dropout in the linear regression model. In particular, non-asymptotic bounds for the convergence of expectations and covariance matrices of the iterates are derived. The results shed more light on the widely cited connection between dropout and ℓ2-regularization in the linear model. We indicate a more subtle relationship, owing to interactions between the gradient descent dynamics and the additional randomness induced by dropout. Further, we study a simplified variant of dropout which does not have a regularizing effect and converges to the least squares estimator.
Original languageEnglish
Article number204
Pages (from-to)1-48
JournalJournal of machine learning research
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jul 2024


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