Dutch-funded international water projects: are they effective and why (not)?

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The Dutch water sector is actively involved in a wide variety of international projects that involve a transfer of Dutch knowledge.The government financially supports some of these projects with the aim to (1) contribute to solving water-related problems, and (2) create economic opportunities for the Dutch water sector.This research evaluates to what extent Dutch-funded projects actually contribute to the achievement of these objectives.Moreover, it tries to explain what factors distinguishes an effective from a less effective project. For this, we developed an evaluation framework, which we applied to three Dutch-funded flood risk projects that were implemented in Romania.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2012
EventNCR Days 2012: Dutch River Management in Internationale Perspective - Arnhem, Netherlands
Duration: 4 Oct 20125 Oct 2012


ConferenceNCR Days 2012


  • METIS-288431
  • IR-81808


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