title = "Dynamics in Mode Choice Behaviour",
abstract = "To reverse the worrying long-term trends of growing mobility, such as congestion and CO2 emissions, policy makers try to encourage mode shifts from car use to public transport, cycling and walking. Panel data analyses provide insights into the dynamics in mode choice behaviour. Results show that behavioural changes often precede changes in attitudes and preferences. Therefore, policy makers should focus on interventions aimed directly at the desired behavioural changes.",
keywords = "Travel behaviour, Panel data, Longitudinal data analysis, Mode Choice Behaviour, Structural equation modeling, Cross-lagged panel models, Latent class models, Latent transition analysis, Covid-19, Commuting behaivour, Sustainability",
author = "{Olde Kalter}, Marie-Jos{\'e}",
note = "Marie-Jos{\'e} Olde Kalter carried out, parallel to her work as a consultant at Goudappel, her PhD-research from 2014-2021 at the Centre of Transport Studies, University of Twente. Her research focus is dynamics in travel behaviour.",
year = "2021",
month = nov,
day = "5",
doi = "10.3990/1.9789055843022",
language = "English",
isbn = "978-90-5584-302-2",
series = "TRAIL Thesis Series",
publisher = "TRAIL Research School",
number = "T2020/27",
type = "PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT",
school = "University of Twente",