Dynamics of iterative reader feedback: An analysis of two successive plus-minus evaluation studies

Menno de Jong, Dietha Rijnks

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A brochure that had been revised on the basis of feedback from readers using the plus-minus evaluation method was evaluated again using the same method. This article compares the results of these two successive evaluation studies to examine the dynamics of evaluating and revising using a troubleshooting method based on verbal self-reports. The findings show that the plus-minus method does not necessarily lead to a decrease in the number of problems readers find in a revised document. But the types of problems readers find are significantly different. For example, after the brochure was revised, it had fewer clarity and structural problems, and readers could focus more on credibility issues.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)159-176
JournalJournal of business and technical communication
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2006


  • Pre-testing
  • Document design
  • Formative evaluation
  • Revision


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