E-Supporter: Personalized Technology Supported Coaching of Patients with Chronic Diseases

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePosterAcademic


    A serious challenge in current Western societies is the increasing number of patients with chronic diseases due to unhealthy lifestyle and the growing number of older people. Currently, more than 52% of the Dutch people have a chronic disease of which at least 33% have multiple diseases. Unfortunately, the number of people with a chronic disease is expected just to increase leading to a higher pressure on the quality of healthcare and rising healthcare costs. Personalised coaching to support patients’ self-efficacy on self-management could be a key solution to address these problems. In the last decade, innovative technologies have been developed that focus on self-management of patients. However, this support cannot be fully tailored to the patient as these apps usually do not take into account patients’ behaviour. Therefore, the development of e-supporter has been started in September 2018. E-supporter is an element of the Centre for Care Technology Research (CCTR) e-manager project that aims to improve the quality of life and perceived quality of care in patients with chronic conditions. The concept of e-supporter has been based on literature research, expert meetings and pilot studies. E-supporter will integrate various e-coaching apps that help patients with COPD, asthma and diabetes mellitus type 2 (DM2) to self-manage their disease. These apps have been developed by Maastricht University Medical Centre (MUMC+), TNO, University of Twente and commercial parties. E-supporter will promote pursuing a personalised treatment plan in daily life by using an intelligent interface that uses information from the ABCC tool, the various integrated e-coaching apps and daily health behaviour, thoughts and moods of the patient. The ABCC tool assesses the disease state, disease burden, and personalized goals that the patient has set together with the healthcare professional during consultation. Tailored coaching content will be developed based on the I-Change model and prediction models that inform the patient of expected consequences and benefits of their behaviour. In addition, e-supporter also helps healthcare professionals to be better informed about patients to enhance personalised care. This all will lead to healthcare that is more efficient, cost-effective, sustainable and of high quality.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages1
    Publication statusPublished - 24 Jan 2019
    Event7th Dutch Bio-Medical Engineering Conference, BME 2019 - Hotel Zuiderduin, Egmond aan zee, Netherlands
    Duration: 24 Jan 201925 Jan 2019
    Conference number: 7


    Conference7th Dutch Bio-Medical Engineering Conference, BME 2019
    Abbreviated titleBME
    CityEgmond aan zee
    Internet address


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