Ecclesiastes for Managers: Worldly Wisom for Executives and Professionals

Maarten J. Verkerk, Jan Hoogland

    Research output: Book/ReportBook editingProfessional


    "Why am I working so hard? What will be the strategy of my company? How do I give direction to my organization?" In times of uncertainty, such questions are all the more important.

    Ecclesiastes for Managers homes in on professional and philosophical reflections that invite one to look at oneself and one's organization in a different way. They are contemplative, profound texts, which inspire one to find one's own answers to important questions about meaning, spirituality and the art of living in the context of management and organization.

    Written for managers in profit and non-profit organizations and other professionals who want to challenge themselves with biblical wisdom.
    Original languageEnglish
    Place of PublicationSioux Center, Iowa
    PublisherDordt College Press
    Number of pages136
    ISBN (Print) 978-1940567181
    Publication statusPublished - 2018


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