Effect of a DC transport current on the AC loss in no-insulation ReBCO racetrack coils exposed to AC parallel magnetic field at 77 K and 4.2 K

Jeroen ter Harmsel*, Simon Otten, Marc Dhallé, Herman ten Kate

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ReBCO coils are developed as DC field coils in linear motor systems to increase the force density, in favor of permanent magnets. Such coils have to sustain a relatively large heat load stemming from the AC magnetic field environment in which they operate. The use of no or partial turn-to-turn insulation can make them more stable against the effects of local heating. Conversely, the radial electrical connections in no-insulation (NI) coils allow for large coupling currents, causing additional AC loss on top of the already significant heat load. Here we report on the AC loss in sub-scale NI, 4 mm wide single-tape, ReBCO racetrack coils exposed to parallel-to-the-tape magnetic field in the frequency range of 10−4 to 1 Hz at 77 K and 4.2 K, while carrying a DC transport current. AC loss is measured magnetically and electrically. The main goal of these experiments is to validate our 2D numerical model, which provides more insight into the origin of the AC loss. At low frequencies, inter-turn coupling currents are spread more or less homogeneously throughout the winding pack. Whereas at high frequencies, the skin effect causes shielding of the interior of the coil and large induced currents only occupy the coil’s outer surface.

Original languageEnglish
Article number075003
Number of pages10
JournalSuperconductor science and technology
Issue number7
Early online date25 May 2023
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jul 2023


  • AC loss
  • Coupling loss
  • No-insulation coil
  • ReBCO
  • UT-Hybrid-D


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