Effect of underwater friction stir welding parameters on AA5754 alloy joints: experimental studies

Anna Janeczek*, Jacek Tomków, Hamed Aghajani Derazkola, Katarzyna Łyczkowska, Dariusz Fydrych

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The water as a welding environment may generate serious technological and metallurgical problems but in certain cases, the physicochemical properties of water can be used effectively, e.g., to impart the specific properties of welded materials. The purpose of the work was verification of effectiveness of the water cooling of aluminium alloy AA5754 for various sets of technological parameters of underwater friction stir welding (UFSW). For the joints performed with the range of parameters of rotational speed: 475–925 rpm and welding speed: 47.5–95 mm/min, the following examinations were carried out: visual tests, radiographic tests, static tensile test, fractography (SEM, scanning electron microscope) analysis, and surface texture analysis performed with 3D measurement system. All of the joints were characterized with some amount of flash. Besides, depending on the values of selected parameters, the defects arising from inadequate stirring were found—tunnel defects and melting. The best appearance of the joint was obtained for the set of parameters of 925 rpm and 47.5 mm/min. The samples of the same joint were found to be of the highest mechanical properties—ultimate tensile strength (UTS) of 194 MPa and elongation (A) of 9.2%. The results were confirmed by the fractography analysis, which in this case indicated the ductile fracture mode. Dynamic plastic behaviour strongly depends on the process parameter values, which was reflected in the results of surface texture analysis. The parameter selection resulted in significant changes in the roughness results (from 8 to 14.2 µm depending on the sample) as well as the flow ring distance of the weld (from 20 to 50 µm depending on the sample).
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)5643-5655
Number of pages13
JournalInternational journal of advanced manufacturing technology
Issue number11
Early online date23 Sept 2024
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2024


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