Electric noise in a TES as a resistively shunted conducting junction

A.G. Kozorezov, Alexandre Avraamovitch Golubov, D. Martin, P.A.J. de Korte, M.A. Lindeman, R.A. Hijmering, J. van der Kuur, H.F.C. Hoevers, L. Gottardi, M..Y. Kupriyanov, J.K. Wigmore

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We present results of the analysis of electrical noise in a transition edge sensor (TES) as a resistively shunted conducting junction (the RSJ model). We derive an expression for the spectral density of voltage fluctuations taking into account weak superconductivity of a TES. We analyse and discuss differences in voltage noise in a TES compared to the familiar situation for the Josephson junction. The spectral density of voltage noise in the RSJ model has a unique analytical structure and cannot be reduced to the expression for the nonlinear Johnson noise near equilibrium
Original languageUndefined
Pages (from-to)108-113
JournalJournal of low temperature physics
Issue number3-4
Publication statusPublished - 2012


  • IR-82265
  • METIS-289335

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