Electronically-steered KU band phased array antenna comprising an integrated photonic beamformer

Willem Paul Beeker (Inventor), Chris Gerardus Hermanus Roeloffzen (Inventor), Leimeng Zhuang (Inventor), Johannes Wilhelmus Eikenbroek (Inventor), Paul Klatser (Inventor), Paulus Wilhelmus Leonardus van Dijk (Inventor)

    Research output: Patent

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    A phased-array antenna that includes a photonic beamformer is disclosed. In some embodiments, a front stage of electrical-domain processing applies a 16-to-1 signal-combination ratio, a single stage of photonic beamforming applies a 4-to-1 signal-combination ratio, and a passive, electrical-domain, signal combiner applies a 32-to-1 signal-combination ratio.
    Original languageEnglish
    Patent numberUS201213644227
    Priority date3/10/12
    Publication statusSubmitted - 3 Oct 2012


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