Ellipsometry with random varying polarization state

Fenz Liu, B. van Albada, C.J. Lee, Frederik Bijkerk

Research output: Contribution to conferencePosterOther research output


We show that, under the right conditions, one can make highly accurate polarization-based measurements without knowing the absolute polarization state of the probing light field. It is shown that light, passed through a randomly varying birefringent material has a well-defined orbit on the Poincar sphere, which we term a generalized polarization state, that is preserved. Changes to the generalized polarization state can then be used in place of the absolute polarization states that make up the generalized state, to measure the change in polarization due to a sample under investigation. We illustrate the usefulness of this analysis approach by demonstrating fiber-based ellipsometry, where the polarization state of the probe light is unknown, and, yet, the ellipsometric angles of the investigated sample (Ψ and Δ) are obtained with an accuracy comparable to that of conventional ellipsometry instruments by measuring changes to the generalized polarization state.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 16 Jan 2012
Event13th ASML TC Conference: Tertiary Ellipsometry with random polarization state - Veldhoven
Duration: 16 Jan 2012 → …


Conference13th ASML TC Conference
Period16/01/12 → …


  • METIS-294420


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