Empirical evidence, evaluation criteria and challenges for the effectiveness of virtual and mixed reality tools for training operators of car service maintenance

Simone Borsci, Glyn Lawson, Simon Broome

Research output: Contribution to journalReview articleAcademicpeer-review

88 Citations (Scopus)
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The debate on effectiveness of virtual and mixed reality (VR/MR) tools for training professionals and operators is long-running with prominent contributions arguing that there are several shortfalls of experimental approaches and assessment criteria reported within the literature. In the automotive context, although car-makers were pioneers in the use of VR/MR tools for supporting designers, researchers started only recently to explore the effectiveness of VR/MR systems as mean for driving external operators of service centres to acquire the procedural skills necessary for car maintenance processes. In fact, from 463 journal articles on VR/MR tools for training published in the last thirty years, we identified onl y eight articles in which researchers experimentally tested the effectiveness of VR/MR tools for training service operators' skills. To survey the current findings and the deficiencies of these eight studies, we use two main drivers: (i) a well-known framework of organizational training programmes, and (ii) a list of eleven evaluation criteria widely applied by researchers of different fields for assessing the effectiveness of training carried out with VR/MR systems. The analysis that we present allows us to: (i) identify a trend among automotive researchers of focusing their analysis only on car service operators' performance in terms of time and errors, by leaving unexplored important pre- and post-training aspects that could affect the effectiveness of VR/MR tools to deliver training contents - e.g., people skills, previous experience, cibersickness, presence and engagement, usability and satisfaction and (ii) outline the future challenges for designing and assessing VR/MR tools for training car service operators.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)17-26
Number of pages10
JournalComputers in industry
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2015
Externally publishedYes


  • Augmented and virtual reality
  • Automotive
  • Service maintenance
  • Training effectiveness
  • Training evaluation
  • n/a OA procedure


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