Energy reforms in the developing world: sustainable development compromised?

Said Mbogo Abdallah, Hans Bressers, Joy Sheila Clancy

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Energy sector reforms with an emphasis on electricity growth have been taking place extensively and rapidly worldwide Particularly, motivated chiefly by classical economics’ standpoint of efficiency and market considerations, reforms have been made in the developed North. Models of reforms in the North have in turn been replicated in developing countries. However, questions arise as to whether the models used are suitable for the mostly rural and socioeconomically disadvantaged economies in the South. It is argued in this paper that a sustainability focused mode of reforms guided by futures studies is needed for such economies. Reforms taking place in Kenya and neighbouring countries are in particular examined from a sustainable future perspective; and appropriate improvements and further research are recommended.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)41-56
Number of pages16
JournalInternational journal of sustainable energy planning and management
Publication statusPublished - 2015


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