Energy use in two Italian and Chinese tile manufacturers: A comparison using an enterprise input–output model

Silvana Kuhtz, Chaoying Zhou, Vito Albino, Devrim Yazan

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It is becoming evident that sustainable development methods are now being considered by governments and corporations from all countries at both local and global level. Firms are increasingly looking to strike a balance between profit, preserving the local environment, and energy savings, rather than just looking for profit. In this paper, an enterprise input–output analysis based on production processes is used to investigate two tile manufacturers, one located in China and the other in Italy. The aim of the paper is to describe their energy/materials use and consequent pollution/waste emissions, and to make a comparison between them. As this industry uses huge quantities of energy, it is useful to monitor these consumption uses along with pollution levels. This accounting can help in planning future local development strategies that would make production cycles more efficient and sustainable.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)364-374
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2010
Externally publishedYes


  • Environment and development
  • Enterprise input–output
  • Tile manufacturing
  • Economic–energy–environment analysis
  • China and Italy
  • n/a OA procedure


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