Enhancement of the growth of polymer brushes via ATRP initiated from ions-releasing indium tin oxide substrates

Anna Gruszkiewicz, Monika Słowikowska, Gabriela Grześ, Artur Wójcik, Joanna Rokita, Alice Fiocco, Magdalena Wytrwal-Sarna, Mateusz Marzec, Barbara Trzebicka, Maciej Kopeć, Karol Wolski*, Szczepan Zapotoczny

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Surface-initiated atom transfer radical polymerization (SI-ATRP) was used for grafting of model brushes (PNIPAM and PMMA) from various planar surfaces: indium tin oxide (ITO), glass and silicon oxide. All polymerizations for a given monomer were conducted at the same conditions in the presence of a sacrificial initiator. Both PNIPAM and PMMA brushes were found to be thicker when grafted from ITO with respect to the other surfaces demonstrating a significant influence of the ITO substrate on SI-ATRP kinetics. It was shown that ITO significantly increases the polymerization rate of the grafted chains due to not negligible desorption of metal ions which may undergo redox reactions also with the copper catalyst. Moreover, the molar masses of the grafted PNIPAM and PMMA chains were found generally larger (3–6 times for PNIPAM) than the ones of free polymers generated in solution, regardless of the substrate type, indicating significant differences in the rates of SI-ATRP and ATRP in the solution.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)817-821
Number of pages5
JournalEuropean polymer journal
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2019


  • ATRP
  • Grafting density
  • Indium tin oxide
  • Polymer brushes
  • n/a OA procedure


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